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Week Beginning 25th January

Week Beginning 25th January 2021


Below is the home learning for this week. You can spread the activities and tasks out over the week. The expectation is for children to do 3 hours of learning per day, but please note this should NOT be done in one go. These 3 hours INCLUDES reading, creative and physical activities. We recommend 25-30 minutes of activities in one go.


Please remember to upload your home learning onto Evidence Me using the app. This is how we can keep in contact with you and give you help, comments and feedback on your child’s learning. Please also check the app for weekly videos, topic introductions, stories and more from the class teachers.


This week we will be having a class zoom meeting on TUESDAY 26TH JANUARY at 2PM. All the information will be on Evidence Me and you should receive a text with the information as well. Make sure you look out for the details and we cannot wait to see you!!




This week our Literacy focus is the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson.

Please share this book with your child. Below is a story version you can share together as well as the BBC Production. There is also a version of the stage production by Tall Stories. This would be good to watch at the end of the week, and you can compare the three versions. This is in a google drive link so it will open up in a separate window.

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

Please make sure you share this book at least 3 times. Repetition ensures that your child understands the story and is able to retell the story in their own words. It also helps with their vocabulary and sentence formation.


Task 1: Create two posters, one about snails and one about whales. Draw a picture of the animal in the middle, and then label the different parts of the animal. Then, write some facts about the animals around the sides of the poster. Below are some word mats and fact sheets to help you.

Task 2: If you can, print out the pictures below, otherwise draw or talk about them. See if you can put them in order to tell the story. Write a short caption with each picture to say what is happening.
Task 3: Have a look at the 4 pictures below and write some sentences about the places the snail and the whale go. You can use the word mat to help you as well. See if you can use some describing words (adjectives) in your sentences. For example; a gold beach.
Task 4: Using the postcard below, or creating your own, write a postcard from the snail to its friends back home. What would it want to tell them? Think about what the snail has seen and the places they have been to.
Task 5: EVERYDAY practice writing your name and numbers




Phonics should be done EVERY DAY. Whether it is just a recap, a game or practicing writing words with the sounds they have learnt.


We are now on to Phase 4 of Letters and Sounds, which is a recap and practice phase. It is so important now to recap and practise all the skills we know.

This includes handwriting, letter formation (writing letters the correct way), practising reading and writing words including polysyllabic words (words with 2 or more syllables).

Below are some activities to complete. 

1 - Read the word and select the correct one or two to match the picture. 

2 - Read the sentences and tick the correct one to match the picture.

3 - Read the words and write them under the treasure (real words) or the bin (made up words)

Remember to practice reading and writing all your tricky words – these are words that we just have to know, we cannot sound them out!

A good way to practice is to stick the words up around the house. Exposure to tricky words and sounds in Reception is key to helping your child remember them!


Below are a few websites and games you can use to practice your phonics.


(You should all have a log in for Animaphonics now so please check your emails for a sign up link.)



Please make some time to read with your child. It is good to spend time reading cooks for pleasure, where your child listens to you reading and may join in with certain phrases, as well as giving them a chance to read to you, an older sibling or another family member. Let them try to read it independently first, offering support where needed.


Oxford Reading Tree has a fantastic website where you can find a range of free books to read online that are suitable for your child to read to you.

Please make sure you are only selecting books for the correct age band for your child. If they are finding it easy, then feel free to move up an age band, but they should start off reading at their age level. If you have any questions about reading levels please do feel free to ask in the Evidence Me app.





This week we are looking at comparing groups up to 10.


Why not warm up by doing some of these activities?

Task 1: Collect some things around your house and sort them into sets. (fruit, teddies, dolls, cars, cutlery, types of toys, etc). Compare the amount in each set. Choose one set and find a set that has more that that one. Can you find a set that has less than your one? Are there any sets with the same amount? 


Task 2: Create your own set of skittles using 10 toys or 10 plastic bottles and a ball (or make your own using a rolled up shirt or paper). Set up the skittles in a triangle shape (1 at the front, then 2 behind that, then 3 and then 4). Roll the ball and record how many skittles you knocked down. Set up the skittles again and roll the ball. Did you knock down more or less than last time? Are there more skittles standing or knocked over? Play with someone in your house and see who can knock down the most skittles.


Task 3: Build your name using things around your house. You could use teddies, blocks, fruit, toys, or anything else you can find. How many letters are in your name? Make someone else's name and compare the amount of letters in each person's name. Who has more letters in their name? Why not make some of your friend's names? Can you find a friend who has the same amount of letters in their name as you?


Task 4: Make some caterpillars by drawing or making them with different materials. Can you make them in different lengths and put them into order, starting with the shortest one?





This week in PSHE we are talking about overcoming obstacles and supporting others.

How do you feel when people say horrible things to you? How do you feel when people say something nice to you? How do you think others feel if you are horrible or nice to them?

Think about things we say to others and make a list of kind and unkind things we say or others might say to us.


Think about some of your friends in your class. Can you think about some nice things about them? What do you like about them? What are they good at? 


With your family, have everyone have a piece of paper with their name in the middle. Everyone takes someone else's paper and writes something nice about them on the paper, then pass it onto the next person until everyone has written something nice about someone else. On your own piece of paper, write something you like about yourself. Stick these pieces of paper up where everyone can see them so you can be reminded of all the things other people like about you. 


Share the book below together and think about how the boy is feeling in the story.

The Invisible Boy


Creative and Being Imaginative:


It’s fun to be creative – think about lots of different materials you could use to be creative. Paper, paint, pencils, glue, scissors, tape, chalk, pastels, etc.

There are lots of fun ways to get creative. Below are a few ideas, but you can be creative in ANY way.




Children need regular exercise, and that's hard to do when you are stuck inside! Here are a few videos to keep you active or have a look around for some of your own - or make up your own exercises!




- Putting on your coat

- Zipping up your coat

- Getting dressed by yourself including doing up your own shoes

- Writing and recognising your own name

- Counting forwards and backwards to 20

- Practice writing numbers to 10
