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Happy, confident and creative

Week Beginning 1st March

Week Beginning 1st March 2021


Please make sure you look at the latest newsletter for all the information regarding school reopening.


Below is the home learning for this week. You can spread the activities and tasks out over the week. The expectation is for children to do 3 hours of learning per day, but please note this should NOT be done in one go. These 3 hours INCLUDES reading, creative and physical activities. We recommend 25-30 minutes of activities in one go.


Please remember to upload your home learning onto Evidence Me using the app. This is how we can keep in contact with you and give you help, comments and feedback on your child’s learning. Please also check the app for weekly videos, topic introductions, stories and more from the class teachers.





This week we are looking at the traditional tale 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'


Below is just one version of the story, but there are many more on YouTube that you could watch as well.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Please make sure you share this book at least 3 times. Repetition ensures that your child understands the story and is able to retell the story in their own words. It also helps with their vocabulary and sentence formation.


Task 1: Look at the pictures below. Read the captions and match them to the correct picture. 

Task 2: Use the document below, or make your own. Make your own 'Billy Goat' story. Remember to think about your sentences before you write them, use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Task 3: Using the template below, think about what happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the story. Draw a picture for each box and write a caption to go with it.

Task 4: Use the word mat below to write some descriptions of the Troll. For example, The troll is mean. 


Think about what he is like and what he looks like. See if you can use 'and' in your sentences to make them longer, or explain why you have described him that way.

For example, The troll is mean because he did not let the goats cross the bridge.

Task 5: EVERYDAY practice writing your name




Phonics should be done EVERY DAY. Whether it is just a recap, a game or practicing writing words with the sounds they have learnt.


We have now learnt all the sounds for Reception and are moving on to Phase 4 of Letters and Sounds, which is a recap and practice phase. It is so important now to recap and practise all the skills we know.

This includes handwriting, letter formation (writing letters the correct way), practising reading and writing words including polysyllabic words (words with 2 or more syllables).


Remember to practice reading and writing all your tricky words – these are words that we just have to know, we cannot sound them out!



































A good way to practice is to stick the words up around the house. Exposure to tricky words and sounds in Reception is key to helping your child remember them!


Have a go at completing the workbooks below to practice all your phonics skills.




This week we are looking at all the different ways we can show our number bonds to 10.


Warm up with these activities from White Rose Maths

Task 1: Get two plates and ten objects. Put some of the objects on one plate and the rest of the objects on another plate. What number bond have you found? 


Can you write the number sentence and show it in a part whole model?


What other number bonds can you find?


Task 2: Use the cards below or create your own and play a number bond memory game. Turn the cards over and take it in turns to pick two. If they are a number bond to 10 you can keep the cards, if not put them back and play again.

Task 3: Use the template below or draw your own, and get some paint. Finger paint some spots on the ladybirds for number bonds to 10.
Task 4: Have a look at these number stories and write the number sentences for them.
Task 5:  Have a go at these part whole model activities.




This week in PSHE we are talking about why exercise is good for us and the effects it has on our bodies.


Task 1: Play a game of charades with your family. One person has to act out different sports or types of exercise and the rest have to guess what it is. Whoever guesses correctly gets to go next.


Task 2: Do some exercise for one minute. Then feel your heartbeat and talk about what has happened to your breathing and your skin. What do you notice? Cool down for a minute and stretch all your body parts. Feel your heartbeat again. What has happened to your breathing?



Creative and Being Imaginative:


You can choose to do any of these creative projects or think of your own to make! It’s fun to explore lots of different types of resources such as junk modelling, painting, chalk, pencils, etc.

Below are a few ideas to get you started.




Children need regular exercise, and that's hard to do when you are stuck inside! Here are a few videos to keep you active or have a look around for some of your own - or make up your own exercises!

Farm Animal Exercise

Alphabet PE Exercise Song for Kids

Dinosaur Exercise for Kids



- Putting on your coat

- Zipping up your coat

- Getting dressed by yourself including doing up your own shoes

- Writing and recognising your own name

- Counting forwards and backwards to 20

- Practice writing numbers to 20

- Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
