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Happy, confident and creative


Welcome to the Anson Primary School admission page. This page has all the details you need if you are looking to apply for a place to our Nursery or Reception classes for September 2025. There is also some information regarding transfer to secondary school.


We welcome groups of parents through the doors  to take a look around the school and find out more about our work and what we can offer your child. 


In the Autumn Term of each year there are  opportunities to meet with the Headteacher, Mr Pile, and see the school in action. Places are limited to 10 people in each session. This gives us space to move around the school together. Priority will be given to parents of children applying for a Reception or Nursery place.


For the 2025 applicants, visits will be booked through Eventbrite. The dates are below:


1st October 20249:30am to 10:30am
4th October 20249:30am to 10:30am
15th October 20249:30am to 10:30am
18th October 20249:30am to 10:30am
12th November 20249:30am to 10:30am
15th November 20249:30am to 10:30am
26th November 20249:30am to 10:30am
29th November 20249:30am to 10:30am
10th December 20249:30am to 10:30am
13th December 20249:30am to 10:30am


If you cannot book an appointment at the school, due to work commitments, please use the film below and explore the website to give you a feel for the school and help you to make a decision about sending your child to Anson.


We are a school that is inclusive, focuses on the well-being of every child and ensures that both the staff and children are in the best position to achieve. While we place a high value on every child being a reader and every child being a writer, we encourage children to know how they learn too. We actively promote collaboration, resilience, risk-taking, thinking, independence and aspiration throughout the year. 


Children take part in festivals of film, art and science and explore the world around them physically and virtually too. Plus, from the earliest age they step on to our stage and are encouraged to have a voice.


This voice can change the way the school works as part of our School Council, Eco-Council, Digital Leader and Peer Mentor programmes. We are a school that ignites the desire to learn, not just through our time at school, but throughout our lives. 


Let's take a look at how you can join us. 



Full-Time Nursery Places

applications available in person from the school or send in the application form below once it goes live. These will be updated from Brent very soon. 

Places at our Nursery are allocated by the school. The Nursery is full-time with the day running from 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. 


We are always looking to welcome new families to the school so please do get in touch to find out if we have space for your child. Children need to be three years of age for the September intake in order to qualify for a place in Nursery. If you would like to apply for a place you can download a the form on this page or pick up a pack from the school office at any time. 


Funded full-time places (30 hours) are not available to all; the eligibility criteria is listed here. Where children are not eligible for full time places parents/carers have the option to pay. ​You can find out more about the help available with funding your childcare on the Government website Childcare Choices. 


At Anson, the part time 15 hours will be a morning (9.15am - 12.15pm). A full time place is 9.15am - 3.15pm, Monday to Friday. If you are not entitled to the '30 hours of childcare' offer but are entitled to the ’15 hours of childcare’ offer, your child can still attend full time.


The charge for this fee-paying place is £362.72 per calendar month. This is paid on the 1st day of each month

These funded spaces are from the term following the child's third birthday. However our main intake of children is in September. This means that your child must turn 3 between the beginning of September and the end of August prior to starting. If there are spaces, children may start at any other time during the year.


Please note that we apply the same admissions criteria for our Nursery as the admissions criteria for schools in Brent. Please see the table below for further details.





Option 1


Full Time Funded – 30 Hours Entitlement
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. daily



Option 2


15 Hours Free Entitlement a.m. Only
If you do not qualify for a fully funded place you will still be entitled to your part time funding. We will be offering this option over the following the following hours: Monday to Friday 9:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.




If you are not eligible for Option 1 but require additional hours:



Option 3


15 Hours free entitlement plus the option of additional hours to top up to a full day
Fees are charged as a sessional fee of £21.00 per 3 hour session but charged on a monthly basis and spread evenly over the academic year. This is due monthly, in advance, at a cost of £362.72 (September to July).





Please note that we apply the same admissions criteria for our Nursery as the admissions criteria for schools in Brent. Click the link below to find out more. 



Reception Places

applications through Brent Council


After the October Half Term we will be hosting visits for prospective parents who want to take a look around. In the meantime, we hope that by watching our film about Anson, using the school website and social media channels, you can get a feel for our school. 


You should be aware that if your child is not in the catchment area of the school it is highly unlikely you will get a place at the school unless you qualify under the other criteria on the Brent website. Brent Council decide the admission criteria that are used to determine who has priority for places at the school.


Having said that, every year is different and we encourage you to make a full selection of schools on your application form to ensure you have the best chance of getting into a school of your choice.  


Complete Admission Arrangements


You can view the complete admission arrangements for Brent community schools online by clicking the link below.

The 2023 Timetable


1 September 2022 - Applications open

15 January 2023 -  Applications deadline

17 April 2023 - National offer day

2 May 2023 - Response deadline

Contact the Admissions Team at Anson

If you have any questions about what we offer as a school please fill in this contact form and we will try to provide you with support and answers.

Secondary School Transfer 



Download this document at the bottom of the page

apply via the Brent website


It may be that your child is currently in Year 5 of primary school. You need to begin thinking about where you want your child to go to for their secondary education. This process must be completed by the end of the October when you child enters year 6. There is information about secondary schools on the Brent website and many of them hold open days, both physical and virtual.


Pupils in Year 6 are able to go to secondary schools for tests during school time if necessary. 

Please visit the schools!


You have been part of the Anson family for a long time, but now it is time to find new relatives. We highly recommend visiting all the schools you think will make it on to your final application form.


​​​​​​​You are looking for the ethos of the school, how your child will get there, what they specialise in, behaviour policieswhether they can cater for your child and whether your child will be happy. 


Here are some of the key dates in Brent. You can download the full list below.

Queens Park Community School (Brent)


Open Evening
Thursday 22 September 2022, 6pm
See website for full details


Capital City Academy (Brent)


Open Morning
Wednesday 6 July 2022, 10am - 11.15am Tuesday 12 July 2022, 10am - 11.15am
Tuesday 20 September 2022, 09.15am - 10.45am Tuesday 4 October 2022, 09.15am - 10.45am Tuesday 11 October 2022, 09.15am - 10.45am Tuesday 18 October 2022, 09.15am - 10.45am


Open Evening
Thursday 29 September 2022, 5pm - 7pm
See website for full details


Crest Academy

29th September at 5pm 


Hampstead School (Camden)


Open evening: Tuesday 11 October, 5pm
Open mornings: 20, 27 September; 4, 11, 18 October Sixth Form: Thursday 10 November, 5pm


Whitefield School (Barnet)


27th September at 5.30pm


All the latest admissions information is available on the Brent website. You can download admission guides and find links to the application process. 

Check your catchment area



You can use the website below to see which School Catchment you live in.
