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  • Anson Policies


    Every school is required to publish a number of their policies in relation to:

    a) Behaviour including discipline, exclusions and anti-bullying.

    b) Charging and Remissions

    c) Safeguarding, including child protection and a Local Offer for SEND. 

    As a result, the school has a whole host of policies that are available as open public documents. We are making access easier for you by placing the documents on this one page.

    You can find everything from our Local Offer to the Teaching & Learning Policy. We publish our Pupil Premium information on a separate page as well as links to Brent admissions and the Ofsted Dashboard, so you can see how the school is doing compared to similar schools across the UK. So, just click on a folder to read or download the policy. You can request paper copies, or other policies referenced in the statutory policies on this page, free of charge, by contacting the school office.


    As a maintained school we do not have any financial information which needs to be published in line with statutory website requirements. 

    September 2020